World Fuel Services

We believe in doing the right thing. Whether at the office, on-site, or the road, we protect the health of our people, partners, and communities. Pushing forward. We play a leading role in promoting best practices within the transportation industry and develop, set, and maintain HSE industry standards.

 Miami, FL
Remote & In-office
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Michael Kasbar

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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9800 NW 41st St
Miami, FL 33178

Remote & In-office


Michael Kasbar

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9800 NW 41st St, Miami, FL 33178

While the exact number varies over time, our records show that World Fuel Services has over 1,000 employees.

World Fuel Services was founded in 1984.

We believe in doing the right thing. Whether at the office, on-site, or the road, we protect the health of our people, partners, and communities. Pushing forward. We play a leading role in promoting best practices within the transportation industry and develop, set, and maintain HSE industry standards.

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