Staffmark Leadership

Rob Zandbergen

Chairman, Managing Corporate Executive Officer

Stacey Lane

Chief Executive Officer

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Suzanne Perry

Chief Human Resource Officer

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Jennifer Prospero

Chief Financial Officer

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Forrest Wagner

Chief Information Officer

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Melissa Bowman-Miller

Senior Vice President, Risk Management

Clara Davis

Senior Vice President, Finance/Group Controller

LinkedIn Profile

Emily Giltner

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Operations

LinkedIn Profile

John Koberg

Senior Vice President, Field Operations

LinkedIn Profile

Sally Lynch

Senior Vice President, National Sales

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Brent Rodgers

Senior Vice President, Specialty

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Tom Schmidt

Senior Vice President, Technical

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Tom Simeur

Senior Vice President, Financial Planning & Analysis

LinkedIn Profile

Barbara Simmer

Senior Vice President, Field Operations

Joshua Smith

Senior Vice President, Advantage xPO

Pat Treacy

Senior Vice President and General Counsel

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