KeyBank Leadership

Christopher Gorman

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, KeyCorp

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Victor Alexander

Executive Vice President and Head of Consumer Banking

LinkedIn Profile

Amy Brady

Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President

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Trina Evans

Executive Vice President Chief of Staff and Director of Corporate Center

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Brian Fishel

Chief Human Resources Officer

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Ken Gavrity

Executive Vice President and Head of Enterprise Payments

LinkedIn Profile

Clark Khayat

Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer

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Don Kimble

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer

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Angela Mago

President, Commercial Bank & Real Estate Capital

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Mark Midkiff

Chief Risk Officer

Andrew Paine III

Executive Vice President and President of Key Institutional Bank

Kevin Ryan

Chief Risk Review Officer and General Auditor

LinkedIn Profile

Jamie Warder

Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Banking

LinkedIn Profile

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