Honeywell Leadership

Vimal Kapur

Chief Executive Officer

Lucian Boldea

President and CEO, Performance Materials and Technologies

LinkedIn Profile

Kevin Dehoff

President & CEO, Honeywell Connected Enterprise

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Sheila Jordan

Senior Vice President, Chief Digital Technology Officer

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Greg Lewis

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

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Anne T. Madden

Senior Vice President and General Counsel

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Karen Mattimore

Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

LinkedIn Profile

John Waldron

Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer

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Michael Connaway

Interim President and CEO, Safety and Productivity Solutions

LinkedIn Profile

Jim Currier

President and CEO, Aerospace

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Billal M. Hammoud

President and CEO, Honeywell Building Technologies

LinkedIn Profile

Anant Maheshwari

President and CEO, Global High Growth Regions

LinkedIn Profile

Torsten Pilz

Senior Vice President and Chief Supply Chain Officer

Suresh Venkatarayalu

Senior Vice President, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer

John Waldron

Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer

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